How to Ask for Money Instead of Gifts for a Wedding

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Before your wedding, it’s important to discuss with your fiance about money and gifts. Do you both prefer money instead of gifts? If so, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, be sure to communicate this preference to your wedding guests. You can include it in your wedding invitations or on your wedding website.

Second, think about how you will use the money. Will you save it for a down payment on a house or a future financial goal? Finally, be sure to thank your guests for their generosity. While money may not be the most traditional wedding gift, it can be extremely useful in helping you to start your new life together.

Talking with parents about decision to ask for cash gifts

Talk to your fiance about what you would both prefer – money or gifts

Before your wedding, it’s important to discuss with your fiance about money and gifts. Do you both prefer money instead of gifts? If so, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, be sure to communicate this preference to your wedding guests. You can include it in your wedding invitations or on your wedding website.

Second, think about how you will use the money. Will you save it for a down payment on a house or for a future financial goal? Finally, be sure to thank your guests for their generosity.

While money may not be the most traditional wedding gift, it can be extremely useful in helping you to start your new life together.

Discuss with your families what you would like them to do

My fiance and I discussed with our families what we would like them to do. We both agreed that we would prefer cash instead of traditional gifts. This allowed our families to give us what they felt was best for us, and it eliminated any stress or confusion about what to give us as a wedding gift. We were very grateful for the generosity of our families, and we were able to use the money to start our new life together.

If you are worried about offending your family members, explain that you would prefer money so that you can buy your gifts. This way, they can be sure that you will get something that you want. By having this conversation with your family, you can avoid any awkwardness or hurt feelings.

Be Specific About How You’ll Use the Cash

We have a few things in mind about how we’ll use the cash we receive. First, we would like to put a down payment on our first home together. We’ve talked about this for years and we’re finally ready to start looking for a place of our own. With cash as our down payment, we’ll be one step closer to achieving this dream.

Additionally, we would like to start a savings fund for our future children’s education. We know how important it is to invest in their future and we want to be prepared as possible.

Lastly, we want to use some of the cash to take a honeymoon! We both love to travel and explore new places and this will be the perfect opportunity to do just that. We are so grateful to our family and friends for supporting us in this new chapter of our lives.

Ask Your Parents and Wedding Party to Spread the Word

This is your one chance to get everything right. Make sure that you let anyone who might be hosting the event know how much money would prefer cash, and encourage them tactfully (and truthfully) to spread the word of it amongst guests so they can contribute if possible!

Your parents or other relatives may have some good suggestions as well – maybe someone else wants something specific like an awesome kitchen remodel instead?

Thanking guests for their cash gifts

Thank everyone for their understanding and generosity

Thank you all for your understanding and generosity. Your gifts mean so much to us, and we are truly grateful. Thank you also for your patience as we worked through a few logistical issues. We know that not everything went according to plan, but we appreciate your flexibility and willingness to roll with the punches. Thanks again – we feel so lucky to have such supportive friends and family.

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